My practice as a storyteller has been informed by my first encounter with oral storytelling some 40 years ago in a village in Cameroon, were I was moved by the power of the story to create a sense of community.
Drawing on that, the purpose of my storytelling today is to take people deeply into the world so that they experience being a part of it, in all its elements, both human and more than human. And from this to know our inter-connectedness, with all its wonder, mystery, grief and joy.
This applies, whether it be the written or spoken word, with school children or with adults, in workshop or performance. The endeavour to create a sense of connection with life and a belonging to place is rooted in the stories I tell.
“It was quite a terrific night, last night. I’m not sure you realise how powerful an experience it was for us all.”
Dr. Richard Young School of Education, Newcastle University
Upcoming Events
Gone Cuckoo
Naturalist and Storyteller Malcolm Green, in collaboration with his son Musician Josh Green, tells the moving story of the cuckoo’s journey from Africa to Europe every spring, and why it’s […]
Wick, Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7Q
A Twist in the Path
Storytelling Evening with Malcolm and Josh Green “A Twist in the Path”
Bishop Auckland, DL13 1RX
Gone Cuckoo
Naturalist and Storyteller Malcolm Green, in collaboration with his son Musician Josh Green, tells the moving story of the cuckoo’s journey from Africa to Europe every spring, and why it’s […]
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4PT
Workshop at the Food Museum Norwich
Workshop at the Food Museum Norwich for the East Anglia Storytelling Festival.
Gone Cuckoo and the Owls Gaze
May 30th to June 1st East Anglia Storytelling Festival: Gone Cuckoo and the Owls Gaze.