Malcolm Green is both a naturalist and storyteller who has told stories professionally since 1982.
In his recent work he has endeavoured to integrate a more-than-human perspective into his storytelling, collaborating with archaeologists, scientists and musicians to create a tapestry of ecology, myth and personal experience. Endeavouring to take audiences away from the separate world of us and them to a sense of belonging. This has led to performance pieces which include Shearwater, Gone Cuckoo and Growth Rings. These have toured in Britain and in Europe in theatres, village halls, festivals, from the Shetland Islands to Ljubljana.
Malcolm has taught storytelling at numerous venues, including running regular programmes at The International School of Storytelling and lecturing at Newcastle University for the past 20 years. He has also done much work in schools and colleges and as manager of the Rising Sun Country Park for many years, made storytelling central to the interpretation. More recently he has collaborated with a meditation teacher in a programme called Sitting with Trees
He is an active member of the Europe-wide Council of Storytelling, which explores the role of storytelling in contemporary issues of society and the environment.
He is a founder member of A Bit Crack Storytellers www.abitcrack.com with whom he organised the collaborative Dreaming the Land walking project.