Council of Storytelling, Denmark
Denmark12th - 17th September
12th - 17th September
28th September - Gone Cuckoo in Stuttgart, Germany Read about Gone Cuckoo
Storytelling Workshop in Stuttgart
3rd October - Gone Cuckoo in Freiburg, Germany Read about Gone Cuckoo
12th - 17th September
Naturalist and Storyteller Malcolm Green, in collaboration with his son Musician Josh Green, tells the moving story of the cuckoo’s journey from Africa to Europe every spring, and why it’s […]
Storytelling Evening with Malcolm and Josh Green “A Twist in the Path”
Naturalist and Storyteller Malcolm Green, in collaboration with his son Musician Josh Green, tells the moving story of the cuckoo’s journey from Africa to Europe every spring, and why it’s […]
Workshop at the Food Museum Norwich for the East Anglia Storytelling Festival.
May 30th to June 1st East Anglia Storytelling Festival: Gone Cuckoo and the Owls Gaze.